Buhler Used Moisture Control Unit

Buhler Used Moisture Control Unit

Buhler Moisture Control Unit MOZF-1000, MOZH-1000. MOZF-2205. We have 3 units in stock.

The system consists of two units:The moisture controller MYFC continuously determinesthe initial moisture content of the grain as well as the flow rate by means of an integrated flow balancer. On thebasis of these values, the controller calculates the exactwater volume needed to obtain the required final product moisture.
The water metering system MOZF meters the calculatedamount of water into the stream of grain, e.g. in adampener MOZL

Accurate automatic moisture determination andcontrol
Exact measurement of the product moisture by proven microwave moisture measurement technology

Measurement of the grain throughput rate through a flowbalancer

Accurate metering of the calculated water volumethrough water metering system

Water metering is also possible in manual mode

Moisture controller has a wide throughput range from2 up to 60 t/h

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Email: admin@bartyangtrades.com


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